Urban Wildfire Protection

You Can Create a Defense
You can become your best defense in the event of a wildfire. Each of the links below give you detailed information on how to prepare your property with defensible space to help protect your property. Learn how to protect your home or business in the event of a wildfire.
If you own a home in Summit County, you likely know that a wildfire event can be stressful and devastating. American Insurance and Investment can help. Eligible homeowner policyholders have the option to enroll in Chubb Wildfire Defense Services, which can automatically deploy a leading fire management organization to help protect your home and prevent you from having to pay out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a wildfire. For more information click here.
Defensible Space and What You Can Do
Frequently Asked Questions
American Insurance is a Preferred Chubb Insurance Agency. We have been insuring your neighbors for more than 50 years. Now is a perfect time for check on your coverages. Give us a call for a review. We would be honored to do a no-obligation, risk review for you or your friends and neighbors.
Enroll in Chubb Wildfire Defense Services Program FREE